Thank you so much!
Today I went to the gym for the first time in like a month and a half so I’m so tired I can not make a real post you guys have to give me a break lolololol
But tomorrow I promise I’m gonna make a great post about a gift box that I recive with my purchase in Skin, that has a lot of samples of diferente products that I’m gonna test and send my feed back !
Here’s the Skinbox:
I know the products don’t show very well in this picture, but I’m gonna go product by product, so don’t worry!
Have a great day! :)
Estou aí a ver produtos interessantes! ;)
ResponderEliminarE que venham mais 20 e mais 20 e sempre a contar :)
Beijinho e boa semana <3
Muito Obrigada! Eu espero que sim ;) Beijinhos e uma ótima semana para ti também! :D
EliminarTake a good rest sis! 😃 And, congrats!! ❤
ResponderEliminarThank you so much sis! Good rest to you as well ;)
EliminarHello, dear! Your blog is a amazing! I follow you!!!
ResponderEliminarHave a nice day!
Thank you so much! Great day to you too! Xoxo
EliminarNice your new follower...thanks for your visit ...have a nice day:)
ResponderEliminarThank you so much for following! Have a nice day too! Keep in touch ;) xoxo